
Tadbir aerosol fire extinguishing system

Tadbir Aerosol Fire Extinguishing System is the development of a new generation of aerosol fire extinguishing systems using unique technology that has been introduced to the market of Iran and the middle east region. The previous generation of aerosol extinguishing system had some problems that are no longer visible in Tadbir aerosol fire extinguishing system. Thanks to the use of new technology in Tadbir aerosol fire extinguishing system, we no longer see problems such as high temperature of the exhaust gas, precipitation and residue of aerosol materials, and the possibility of injuries to the people present at the scene.

Tadbir manufacturing and industrial group with more than two decades of brilliant history, has always been trying to provide the best quality to customers. For this reason, this group, using experts in this field, has explored and investigated all the flaws and shortcomings of the previous generation of aerosol fire extinguishing system and has tried to solve these problems.

The aerosol fire extinguishing system manufactured by Tadbir company is known as a complete and flawless example of the aerosol fire extinguishing system in the country and the region. Tadbir aerosol fire extinguishing system is the best Iranian example of its kind, which ensures the safety of you and your loved ones. To buy and get a free consultation, just contact us.

tadbir aerosol

Advantages of aerosol fire extinguishing system

  • High speed and power in fire extinguishing
  • Effective for fire groups A, B, C, E, F
  • Easy installation and no annual maintenance fees
  • No need for piping, tanks and storage tanks

Advantages of Tadbir aerosol fire extinguishing system

  • Economically cost efficient
  • 15 years of life time
  • Automatic, local fire extinguishing and complete fire coverage
  • Non-toxic and environmentally friendly
  • Do not damage the ozone layer
  • Do not intensify the global warming
Applications of Tadbir aerosol fire extinguishing system

Tadbir aerosol fire extinguishing system is a suitable option for use in various industries, both sensitive and non-sensitive, since it has high speed and power in controlling fire. The high speed of this system in fire extinguishing will prevent the progress and spread of the fire. This, in turn, prevents serious injuries and damages. As mentioned, the aerosol fire extinguishing system is used in various industries and areas, among which we can mention the following:

Military industries

Data centers


Industrial factories

Power plants

Industrial plants

Commercial buildings

Transport industry

Aerosol fire extinguishing system function

Aerosol fire extinguishing system refers to a multi-phase system consisting of dispersed particles smaller than 10 microns in size. These particles are embedded in the form of compressed tablets inside the aerosol fire extinguishing system. If a fire occurs, these compressed tablets in the system will be activated and finally, due to the oxidation reaction, they will turn into a multi-phase fog cloud. The network placed on the output side of the system gradually distributes the aerosol extinguishing agent in the environment.

Aerosol materials are generally stored inside non-pressurized cylinders known as aerosol generators. Activation of aerosol materials is done in two ways, chemical and electrical. Aerosol particles, which are dense and consist of potassium carbonate, water vapor, nitrogen and carbon dioxide based on potassium, are released in the form of gas in the environment. Due to the collision of aerosol gas particles with flames, potassium free radicals are produced.

After that, these potassium free radicals collide with the free hydroxyls of the flame and react. As a result of this chemical reaction, a stable compound called potassium hydroxide is produced. In this way, aerosol gas extinguishes the fire without reducing the oxygen in the environment and only by interrupting the fire chain reaction.

Buying Tadbir aerosol fire extinguishing system

Tadbir manufacturing and industrial group, as an active and leading company in the field of safety and firefighting, has designed and produced a new generation of aerosol fire extinguishing systems inside the country. As mentioned, a unique technology has been used in the production of Tadbir aerosol fire extinguishing system, which distinguishes it from other systems in the market.

If you are among those who are looking for a solution to increase the safety of your workplace or life against fire, Tadbir aerosol fire extinguishing system will be a great option. In order to buy and receive a free consultation, just contact us so that our experts will help you in choosing the right product.

Aerosol system is a gas fire extinguishing system, in which the aerosol materials are placed in the form of compressed tablets inside the aerosol generators. These particles disrupt the chemical chain reaction of fire to suppress it.
Among the important advantages of the aerosol fire extinguishing system, we can mention economic efficiency, long service life, no need to install tanks and piping, influence on different groups of fire, non-toxicity, etc.
Aerosol system is used in various cases such as military industries, telecommunication and data centers, refineries and petrochemicals, industrial plants, power plants, commercial and residential buildings and transportation industry.
Aerosol fire extinguishing system can be used to extinguish class A, B, C, E and F fires.




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